Sun Conjoins Mercury at 24° Gemini on June 14, 2024 at 12:33 PM in NYC calculated with LUNA Astrology Note: All times specified are in Eastern Time Zone. Planetary alignments can be felt 1-to-2 days (or more for outer planets) prior to exact pairings. Most importantly, remember people are always the unknown variable when it comes to markets. Mercury is racing through Gemini, making it feel like everything is moving fast. The trickster planet makes contacts with Saturn, Chiron and the Sun this week. Traders and investors should be on high alert for rapid fluctuations in stocks and indexes. The twin symbolism and theme of Gemini is duality. There are multiple challenging dynamics coinciding on or near the FOMC meeting days: the Sun and Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces, and Mars now in Taurus squares Pluto. Astrologically these transits imply pessimism for interest rate cuts. That’s not surprising since the May jobs report stated 272,000 jobs were added - way more than expected. On Wednesday, Venus travels out of bounds beyond a declination of 23°27' from the ecliptic. Then Mercury follows its out of bounds course on Thursday. When planets move out of bounds, their natural vibrational forces grow more extreme – as if wild and boundless. Since Venus rules money and Mercury rules trading, this out of bounds phase suggests heightened impetus, awareness and concern for both. Relationships (Venus) and communications (Mercury) are also emphasized during this time. Thursday and Friday we’ll be under the influence of the Sun in conjunction with Mercury in Gemini. This is normally a potential bright spot. There could be bigger news than usual in the media about a leader, as the Sun represents leaders, Mercury is associated with news, and Gemini is the great communicator. On late Sunday Venus squares Neptune, which infers a test for money dreams, possibly Friday and the following Monday. This week has so many mutable and confusing energies for U.S. markets. Also, as Gemini is an air sign, we’ll need to think quickly for best results. It’s really a tough week to forecast. Suffice to say indices are at a critical stage for support or resistance. The first song that resonated for me about how to sum up the week is an oldie but a goodie: The Temptations popular hit “Ball Of Confusion”. Although this song was released 54 years ago in 1970, it doesn’t seem like much has changed here on Earth. Perhaps only our fashion styles have somewhat evolved. p.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join:
© 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny.
Note: All times specified are in Eastern Time Zone. Planetary alignments can be felt 1-to-2 days (or more for outer planets) prior to exact pairings. Most importantly, remember people are always the unknown variable when it comes to markets. Last Wednesday’s transit of Mars in conjunction with Chiron was no doubt an instrumental influence for U.S. markets turning bearish. The week ahead remains tricky however there are more optimistic alignments than the prior week. Monday to Tuesday, planet of trade and commerce Mercury enters clever and changeable Gemini. Mercury will be in an easy flow alignment with Pluto, the planet of death and transformation. This might infer investors consolidating profits. Simultaneously on Monday and Tuesday, Mercury conjoins Jupiter, the planet of wealth and expansion. In typical dualistic Mercurial style, this pairing implies an upbeat bullish tone. Exact on Tuesday, the positive beaming Sun links with money planet Venus. Both are already moving through Gemini. This is the bright spot of the week as the Sun’s brilliant energy is usually the strongest of all planets. Wednesday reinforces Monday’s and Tuesday’s dynamics as a quicker moving Gemini Moon connects to Jupiter and Mercury. Normally this results in a decent uplift for U.S. markets. One additional factor is that Monday through Wednesday is the 4th Quarter Moon, which often tends to be a time of inward looking and cutting back. There’s a unique contradiction at play here, which is typical of Gemini vibes. Thursday may mark a trend shift by the afternoon after the Gemini New Moon unites with Venus at 9:36 AM. The Moon then makes a challenging square to Saturn in Pisces at 1:19 PM. Difficult planetary Moon alignments between 2 mutable signs often result in a trend reversal. Stressful energies continue late in the week from Thursday to Sunday as first Venus then the Sun square Saturn. Furthermore, on Sunday, Mars enters Taurus denoting a major change of dynamism. Investors will likely forgo Mars in Aries fiery warrior mentality in favor of grounded security and protection of assets and tangible possessions. A rotation toward earth-focused investments such as commodities or luxury goods might begin to dominate markets accordingly. To resonate the theme of Gemini and this week’s New Moon in Gemini, I’m digging Reneé Rapp’s song “Gemini Moon” which perfectly describes the dual nature of this zodiac sign. p.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join:
© 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny. Mars conjoins Chiron at 22° Aries on May 29, 2024 at 1:08 PM in NYC calculated with LUNA Astrology Note: All times specified are in Eastern Time Zone. Planetary alignments can be felt 1-to-2 days (or more for outer planets) prior to exact pairings. Most importantly, remember people are always the unknown variable when it comes to markets. Happy Memorial Day! U.S. markets are closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 leaving us with 4 days of stock trading. I’m working on my H2 2024 Forecast Report which should be available soon. It appears investors are still bullish overall despite the Dow’s 605 points pullback last Thursday, May 23 at the Sagittarius Full Moon. There was a good discussion about this in a financial astrology Facebook Group: By the way, that same day the Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Live Nation just as Venus (money) conjoined Jupiter (associated with legal matters) and both aligned in an opportunity sextile with Neptune (planet of music). Impeccable astrological timing! The current week looks somewhat choppy due to a strong mutable influence from the Sun, Venus and Jupiter now in Gemini, plus other planetary factors. Mercury in an opportunistic 60° angle to Saturn late Monday night and a flowing trine between the Moon and Sun in air signs early Tuesday morning suggest favorable conditions. However, this may be overshadowed by Wednesday’s Mars-Chiron conjunction in Aries. Mars is the action and warrior planet. Chiron represents wounds, healing, problem solving and accountability, which will be activated by Mars. Nasty news about ongoing wars or persistent inflation could dominate media headlines and possibly affect markets. Also on Wednesday, an additional challenge from a Moon square to Uranus infers high trading volume and tests of resistance or support for indexes, particularly for the NASDAQ, technology and cryptocurrencies. Mercury conjoining Uranus Thursday to Friday further implies volatile indices and trades for NASDAQ, technology and cryptocurrencies. The Moon will be in Pisces adding a sense of idealism, wishful thinking, lack of clarity, and/or fear. The upcoming transit of Jupiter in harmonious trine to Pluto exact on Sunday June 2 is considered positive for markets by astrologer and author Louise McWhirter. To me it indicates wealth transformations related to banking or governments, and that a larger change is coming soon in these areas. You may want to plan ahead to protect profits in your portfolio if you’re risk averse. Financial conditions will be dualistic and highly changeable with so much Gemini energy. Speaking of Gemini, here’s a 2018 release by Keith Urban titled, “Gemini” – no doubt about his wife Nicole Kidman whose natal Sun is at “anaretic” 29° Gemini. Nicole Kidman Natal Chart Born June 20, 1967 in Honolulu, Hawaii 3:15 PM p.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join:
© 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny. |
September 2024