While astrology reveals sky influences over consumer sentiment and market trends, people are always the variable. Free will and every choice we make allows us to transform our destiny in different ways. This is why astrological forecasting does not guarantee 100% accurate predictions. May is officially “eclipse season”. The last day of April brings a Solar Eclipse in Taurus, the “money” zodiac sign guided by Venus. This amplified New Moon conjunct Uranus – the planet of sudden surprises – suggests we might see unexpected events for up to six months. Eclipses act like a door opening wide to help boost us forward and shift our lives in big ways. Venus and Jupiter also conjoined on April 30 adds stimulated visions of expansion re: relationships and/or finances to this eclipse. Since these two planets are in Pisces, politicians, investors and people in general may be wishful however muddled, confused or deceived about current economic conditions, wondering if the economy will expand or contract. Venus leaves peace-loving Pisces and moves into passionate Aries on May 2. This characterizes zestful stock market activity. It’s conceivable we may see some market rallies fueled by Aries enthusiasm. My guess is long-term investors will lean more toward stocks and sectors such as military defense, cybersecurity, munitions, machinery equipment and metals, as Aries is ruled by Mars, and Mars oversees these areas. I’m not suggesting all these are winners, although it’s nice to think that trend is your friend. Since Aries is known for boldness and courage, space-oriented stocks like SpaceX, Aerospace Rocketdyne, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or Maxar Technologies might see some momentum and a rise in valuations as well. On a positive note, we should finally feel more spring-like drive and a cardinal shift during the month of May as planets Venus, Mars and Jupiter all ingress (enter) fiery Aries. The vibrations of Pisces dreaminess, hopefulness, confusion and fantasy should now begin to dissipate as we say “Goodbye Pisces” (as in the Tori Amos song). That said, Neptune will remain in Pisces until March 30, 2025, so secret dreams, wishful thinking, increased oil prices and water issues (e.g., a lack thereof or memorable floods, rains, hurricanes) can still be part of the picture for a while. Jupiter enters Aries on May 10. After the Sun, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system representing expansion and growth. While moving through the zodiac, planets infuse with a sign’s characteristic. Zodiac sign Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, courage, boldness and war. We’ll likely feel more audacious and adventurous while Jupiter transits Aries. It’s a fantastic time for initiating big visions, stimulating projects, and enjoying vigorous physical exercise. Jupiter remains in Aries until May 16, 2023 except for a retrograde back into Pisces October 27/28 to December 20 later this year. In addition to this Aries “stellium” of three planets, the brief Moon transit in Aries begins less than two hours before Mars enters Aries on May 24. We’re sure to feel strong assertion and maybe even aggression with this combined Aries ingress and planetary combo of emotions and actions (Moon and Mars respectively). Let’s not forget asteroid Chiron, which represents healing our wounds. Chiron is in Aries until June 19, 2026. Chiron’s orbit travels between Saturn and Uranus, acting as a bridge between our past limitations and future progress. Since Aries inspires bravery and independence, Chiron is perhaps influential in leading us to new paths of daring technology like artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and electric cars (EVs). We’ll sense an additional strong driving force to get things done once planet Mars transits its celestial home. Aries can be red-hot feisty and fiercely independent. Sadly, the war in Ukraine might escalate further under these three sky influences. Jupiter, Mars and Venus will be “speaking” Aries. This sign denotes dynamic energy that’s driven to succeed. Since Aries is a “Fire” sign, once Venus, Jupiter and Mars are in Aries we may also see a hotter than usual Spring with conditions that increase threats of fires burning in the western US. Additional geomagnetic activity and solar flares are another possibility. Long term investors may want to look at solar energy companies as a viable source for potential income. Passions around the world will be rising to say the least! It’s sure to be a super self-motivated month. I’d be remiss not to add some historical references. Famous institutional investors like Peter Lynch, Ray Dalio and Warren Buffet all mention how history repeats itself. In fact, history is often made based on geocosmic cycles. It’s relevant to mention that February 1940 was the last time Venus, Mars and Jupiter were all together in Aries along with Uranus in zodiac sign Taurus. Mars and Jupiter conjoined on January 6, 1940. For more context, back then planet Saturn was also firmly entrenched in Aries. The Moon transited Aries during the same day of the Venus in Aries ingress on February 12, 1940. All that martian fighting spirit preceded the German invasion into Norway and occupation of Denmark on April 9, 1940, marking World War II in Europe. We can also add this year’s April 30 Solar Eclipse and its Saros cycle series #119 cycle to the mix. The previous solar eclipse of series #119 was on April 19, 2004 and occurred during the Battle of Fallujah. We had another Saros cycle #119 solar eclipse on April 9, 1986, just before the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident in Ukraine. May 2022 is not a month to take things lightly or for granted. I implore everyone to take a breath and carefully think first rather than act or speak on Aries impulse. Two planets will appear retrograde during May. Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn on April 29. There’s often a big shift in the stock markets when a planet changes direction, and we certainly saw the US stock market retreat that day in a huge way. Next up Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini on May 10. At this time power players (Pluto’s realm) may be thwarted and everyone could be reconsidering strategies, where and/or how to diversify portfolios. Traditionally with Mercury retrograde it’s better to review plans rather than initiate new ventures. Mercury governs our communications and commercial transactions such as investing or day trading. We may see more stock selloffs during this phase and more lengthy discussions over fiscal policies. Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve meet on May 3 – 4 during Mercury’s “pre-retrograde storm” phase. On May 22 Mercury moves back into Taurus and doesn’t turn direct until June 3rd giving us ample time to reassess and refine our goals and plans. On these Fed meeting dates we’ll likely be anticipating shock waves due to a Sun-Uranus conjunction on May 5. This is the kind of geocosmic pairing that creates surprise announcements from leaders, and unexpected whiplash from market lows or highs. Since Uranus rules technology, the NASDAQ is the most probable index to be affected. An example of how this might play out: further surprising news about Elon Musk and Tesla, or his purchase of Twitter. Astrological point to remember for financials or any personal transit: the Sun and Mars act like triggers to thrust events upon us, particularly when in conjoining another planet. With Mercury roaming both Gemini and Taurus our attention will be drawn to communications, commerce and finance. Transportation also falls under Gemini and Mercury. At times it may seem like we’re going over the same old ground. From a geocosmic perspective that’s exactly what’s happening. I like to get any necessary car repairs done before or after a Mercury retrograde, and not during these three or so weeks, whenever possible. Coinciding with this Fed meeting are the Venus Aries ingress and a Mars-Uranus sextile contact. This suggests an opportunity for unanticipated shocks in the financial world. At a mundane level it can produce ground-shaking earthquakes. Just in case, prepare yourself to be rattled. Uranus is the electrifying awakener and Mars in Aries means quick or impulsive actions. Gemini is an “Air” sign which in Medical Astrology oversees the lungs. With Mercury touring retrograde through Gemini there’s a greater chance for airborne illnesses like Covid-19 to once again surge to the forefront of our headline news media. One key “RE” word for retrograde seasons is: “repeat”. To understand how to better manage retrogrades you may want to read my prior blog post about this: https://www.trudycarol.com/astro-talk-blog/how-to-make-the-most-of-planetary-retrogrades-in-astrology A Lunar Eclipse occurs on May 15 – 16 with the amplified Full Moon at 25° Scorpio. Both the Sun in Taurus and Scorpio Full Moon will be challenged by a square to Saturn in Aquarius. Astrologers call this configuration a “T-Square”. These planets are in “Fixed” signs that prefer the status quo with things remaining the same. With the Sun representing our ego and vitality in money sign Taurus, we may feel stressed or pressured by strict Saturnian rules where finances, relationships and/or values are concerned. This dramatic Scorpio lunation suggests that if you muster inner strength and release yourself from toxic emotional ties (whether to people or things) you’ll find a bright light and best direction forward. This can be a very cathartic lunar eclipse to help you leap ahead. Mid-month on May 17 before Mars enters Aries it conjoins Neptune exactly at 24° Pisces. This indicates heightened conundrums over energy, particularly oil and gas commodities which are governed by Neptune. Neptune rules the seas, water, and oceans so this is when chances of floods or raging rains are optimal. Days prior to their precise meeting can stir up climate catastrophes. As Saturn saunters further through Aquarius, by May 17 it’ll reach within 30 degrees of Neptune in Pisces. Saturn oversees our structures and limitations, while again Neptune governs oil, gas and water. Issues between what these two planets represent in mundane astrology are sure to be spotlighted in the coming days and months. The above general overview proposes many issues concerning finances, stock markets, investments and governments can heat up exponentially. Aries and its Mars ruler also signify guns, weaponry and armies. Life will no doubt be more exciting and intense when the Venus, Jupiter and Mars stellium exit Pisces for Aries. From the planetary perspectives, we should recognize a boundless Pisces bubble of hopes and dreams may ultimately burst by month’s end. Remember it’s people – whether in a collective group or an individual person – who are always the variable. Our perceptions and choices of action beget outcomes for better or worse. We’ll likely continue to see courageous warriors in the Ukraine fighting for their independence, but every life lost is an excessive cost. On that note, this pacifist Pisces continues to say aloud, “I pray for peace so war will cease”. I hope you’ll join me in repeating this mantra. © 2022 by Trudy Carol
September 2024