August 2022 Author Highlighted Ephemeris courtesy of Geocosmic alignments influence global stock markets, consumer sentiments and world events. It’s valuable to remember the good advice from TV show “Lost” that people are always the variable.
This month feels electrifying with an extremely rare Mars-Uranus-North Node conjoining in zodiac sign Taurus as if on cue August 1st that’s sure to jolt and bolt us into action. (Check out the orange color highlights in the above Ephemeris picture.) We’ll be feeling this at a personal and collective level. The energy will reverberate for the first 10 days of August. In financial astrology Taurus represents money, finance, banks, currencies, and crypto (combined with Uranus). We’ll likely be bullish, rattled and/or trying to shake off any negative corporate earnings news delivered recently, especially during the last week of July. Uranus is a break-out energy and Mars invigorates us to take action. Whichever area 18° Taurus sits in your natal birth chart will also be lit up and energized for years to come. There are 12 houses (aka sectors) in the zodiac chart wheel. For me, Taurus will be in my 9th house of publishing, long distance travel, education and spirituality. I’m excitedly planning to write a book, teach, travel and of course, learn more. If we don’t have some huge catastrophic world event (such as a sudden escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war), it’s quite possible stock markets will experience a few weeks of “skyward trends” momentum. The North Node typically travels backward and remains at 18° to 17° Taurus most of August, while Uranus is slowing down stationing at 18° Taurus to then turn retrograde on August 24. These 2 are transiting closely together for a sustained time. That long North Node-Uranus conjunction is urging us to break out of ruts, doldrums, in favor of exhilarating innovation. It’s possible that when or after Uranus turns retrograde, we’ll see a reversal of the excitement and people (aka investors) might begin to have second thoughts about farfetched futuristic ideas. Prepare for lots of electricity in the air, talk about electric cars, revitalized money discussions, and a renewed sense that our future direction must be revolutionized with advanced technology. Coincidentally, Congress just officially passed the new “Chips Act” which President Biden will surely sign to bolster USA semiconductor production. Note to investors: CEO Patrick Gelsinger Intel Corporation ($INTC) has expressed during interviews he’s been waiting for this bill to pass so Intel can expand their new Ohio manufacturing facilities. We might rightly conclude semiconductor stocks will go “to the Moon” this month. If only Congress would continue to work rather than enjoy an August recess, the US might accomplish much more during what’s sure to be a stirring summer month. All the outer planets retrograde as August begins as highlighted in green on the above Ephemeris: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Astrologically this means it’s a great month for reviewing, revising, and redoing. When Uranus joins these others in retrograde, all the 5 planets as well as asteroid Chiron will be retracing their steps. This is a perfect time to realign and revamp whatever needs to be strengthened, including your investment portfolio. Making choices won’t necessarily be easy or long lasting due to the current cosmic climate. See my previous post about retrograde here for more understanding about this outer planet “retrograde season”. Voila! That’s the big picture for August. Some (but not all) additional finer points I marked on the Ephemeris:
August 2 – Venus at 18° Cancer sextiles Uranus and Mars. Our minds are focused on financial security and partnership or relationship matters. This transit provides an opportunity for liberation, but not without some potentially explosive surprises or taking action. Often changes can be good, even if we don’t realize it at the time. Be willing to come out of your shell. August 3 to 4 – Mercury enters Virgo. Mentally we are now seeking out details, being more analytical, and can be critically constructive. Remember, the lighthearted, playful spirit of Leo hasn’t fully left us yet since the Sun is still in Leo. However, our minds will be concentrating more on practical matters rather than simply basking in the sun’s rays and having fun. This bodes well for reassessing your financial portfolio, daily work routines, or communicating specifics with others. August 7 to 8 – Mars in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius (shaded in gray). This suggests we’ll be needing a serious reality check, maybe even to curtail our actions a bit. Mars wants to move but Saturn says stop, not so fast. Our past, present, and future are momentarily met with restrictions, limitations, frustrations, and some may even feel depressed. With this above alignment of Mars square Saturn, it’s possible the markets may cool off for a few days. Mars in hard aspect to Saturn can feel like you’re trying to push an immovable brick wall forward. It won’t budge. Heed the title lyrics of Kellee Patterson’s song, “If It Don’t Fit Don’t Force It”. August 8 to 9 – Venus in Cancer opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. Dynamic power struggles are a real threat here. During this brief transit we can feel emotionally insecure especially regarding money or love. Turning this energy into art, creativity or loving passion will manifest more positive outcomes. Companies selling home products, or real estate businesses and stocks may need juggling and rebalancing. August 11 – Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus; Venus enters Leo; Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces; Full Moon at 19° Aquarius opposition Sun in Leo. It’s a huge day of multiple planetary alignments which I've shaded in peachy-pink. Here’s a tongue twister: say momentum 3 times fast (I’ll bet you can’t). Sun square Uranus suggests more cages are being rattled so doors open for freedom. Steer clear of excessive pride and ego maniacs if at all possible. Catching a few rays of sunshine may lighten the intensity. August 17 to 18 – Venus in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries. Supposedly one of the luckiest days of the year. (I’ll take that.) You might want to buy a few lottery tickets or visit a casino with this transit. Except for the Moon in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius briefly on this Thursday, odds are in your favor for a joyful and positively expansive 2 days. The markets will be infused with a glowing Venus making love to a fiery Mars so they’re apt to take us higher as well. August 20 – Mars enters Gemini. Our actions may become duplicitous once Mars leaves stubborn money-minded Taurus for dualistic Gemini. It’s really good to look at which area of life Mars will now transit in both your natal and solar charts. More importantly, Mars remains in Gemini for an extended stay that cyclically occurs every 2 years – roughly every 26 months. Mars will retrograde while in Gemini starting October 30 and into 2023. As Gemini is a highly active mutable and changeable sign, stock market activity may now begin to show some divergence or reversals. August 22 – Sun enters Virgo. Joining Mercury influenced Mars in Gemini we now have the Sun connecting closer to Mercury, which is also ruled by Virgo. The Sun holds the key to wearing the crown. A lot of analytical thought and more fluctuating energy from Virgo suggests we’ll need fluidity as there are indeed likely changes afoot. It’s beneficial to remember: this is a mere 2 days before Uranus turns retrograde. August 25 – Mercury enters Libra. We may have a challenging time making up our minds with Mercury in this zodiac sign. Libra strives for balance, yet is constantly weighing the scales as thoughts float up, down or sideways. There may be sideways market movement as well during this interlude if investors aren’t sure of which direction to take or stocks to buy. August 26 to 28 – Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (and Sun in Virgo square Mars in Gemini), New Moon at 4° Virgo, Venus in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius. The 90° angular fixed square alignments denote tensions could surround financials and technology companies along with decisive action that requires flexibility. Our emotions with a dark New Moon in Virgo can seem like a hyper-critical Debbie Downer. The Venus-Saturn opposition creates a dynamic T-square indicating serious money matters and structural reviews are in order. At this point renewed recession signals may start to flash a red light. That’s kind of a somber way to end August, but fear not. On September 1st, Mars in variety-loving Gemini sextiles spacious Jupiter in bold Aries. Opportunities await when we remain flexible and courageous. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, enjoy your hot August nights (shout out to Neil Diamond)! I've noticed this has been the hottest summer where I live in Pennsylvania since moving here in 2012. I think it's at least partly due to Jupiter now in first fire sign Aries, which always wants to be #1. p.s. note: all exact planetary transits and aspects are stated in current Eastern Time zone. Allow 1-5 days before or after to notice their energetic impact. The further the planet, the greater the orbit (aka orb) of influence. © 2022 by Trudy Carol
September 2024