Pluto Turns Retrograde on May 2, 2024 at 1:46 PM Eastern Time calculated with LUNA Astrology Note: All times specified are Eastern Time. Last Friday’s news blast about the FDIC’s seizure of Republic First Bank directly coincided with my H1 2024 Forecast Report for at least one U.S. bank collapse during the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at Charubel’s “Degree of Collapse.” Let’s hope there aren’t more. This week warrior planet Mars is emphasized. On Monday, Mars hooks up with Neptune suggesting a lack of clarity or fatigue. Neptune related goods like oil, water, film, music, cruises, healthcare or pharmaceuticals are activated and likely newsworthy. Also on Monday, money planet Venus enters money sign Taurus for a double emphasis on money. Savvy financial folks will surely be seeking definitive answers from the U.S. Federal Reserve while awaiting any signals for an interest rate pivot after the FOMC meeting on Wednesday. This week reminds me of the song “Money” from the film “Cabaret.” Bravo to Liza Minnelli and Joel Grey for their smash performance. On Tuesday Mars enters its home sign Aries. I’m personally looking forward to this for a big burst of energy. On the flip side, Mars in Aries might stir more warrior-like actions between nations. Some spotlighted sectors until Mars leaves Aries at 12:35 AM on June 9 are sports betting, machinery, weapons and defense. Venus makes a 90° square angle to Pluto felt mostly on Tuesday and Wednesday, perfectly timed to the FOMC meetings. The Venus-Pluto alignment infers a difficult challenge for money and power, which is exactly what the Federal Reserve is facing. Pluto turns retrograde on Thursday highlighting it’s time to review all matters of authority and control. Some kind of shift for big government(s) and/or corporation(s) could result near this time. Pluto oversees debt and defaults. Retrogrades are the appearance of planetary course reversals. Conversations about spiraling U.S. debt or other regional bank failures seem timely too. With Pluto in Aquarius accentuating sectors ruled by Uranus, innovative NASDAQ stocks in technology, AI, or cryptocurrencies could see unpredictable shakeups or events as well as momentum breakouts. Thursday and Friday, Mars and Pluto line up in a 60° opportunity sextile pattern. We’ll feel this dynamic developing as the week progresses as impetuous Mars can trigger events up to 4 days early. Trading and markets could be volatile with all this Venus, Mars and Pluto energy. As of this writing, CNN’s Fear & Greed Index leans more towards Fear. Maybe that changes after Mars enters fiery Aries to fan the flames of bold confidence. Pluto reversing direction gives us gut strength for evaluation as our own authority. There’s also Saturn in a semi-square position to Pluto to close the week on Sunday. This tense vibe suggests structural transformations are pronounced and necessary although Saturn in Pisces is better for envisioning than solid planning. Uranus remaining at Charubel’s “Degree of Collapse” plus the North Node still stationed at 15° Aries indicate wobbly investor sentiment. Looking ahead, oil prices and related stocks receive encouragement as May unfolds with an approaching 60° opportunity sextile between Jupiter (expansion) and Neptune (oil). Again, Neptune related goods include oil, water, film, music, cruises, healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Jupiter represents long-distance travel like airlines, education, and legal matters. Pun intended: these combined gaseous planets are like a big boiling pot of stew that gives us gas. I expect Jupiter-Neptune topics to be accentuated in the media during May: Donald Trump’s lawsuits, student loans, and new airline refund rules. Travel talk should be hot with people planning summer vacations. The astrological timing is impeccable. As above, so below. Ultimately this week looks good for focused concentration and digging deep to discover truths above all else. My sense is it’ll be more pop, chop and drop (not necessarily in that order) for U.S. markets. Planetary patterns suggest it won’t be an easy breezy week. As my friend Richard once told me, “Nothing worthwhile comes easy.” On that note, I’ll end this post with a tune by The Beatles drummer Ringo Starr called, “It Don’t Come Easy.” p.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join:
© 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny.
The Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 at 2:11 PM Eastern Time calculated with LUNA Astrology U.S. Stock Market and Mundane Forecast April 8 – 14, 2024
Read my p.s. below for a synopsis of stock market action from last week. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on Monday is an amplified New Moon. This time around the Sun and Moon energies of our life force and emotions conjoin with Centaur Chiron known for wounds, healing and assessment. This impact of Sun-Moon-Chiron all together during an eclipse at precisely the same degree and minute is extremely rare! I’m certain it’s symbolic. Please note Chiron is often involved with planetary triggers of bear markets. Think of this eclipse as a fresh new beginning. Look to where this solar eclipse takes place in both your natal and solar charts to know what areas of life the greatest imprint will be for you personally. Since Aries collectively is our action and warrior planet, we can expect there will be at least one major mundane world event reflecting irritation, aggression or at the very least assertion. Aries isn’t a peaceful type of dynamism. On Wednesday, planetary ruler of Aries Mars connects to Saturn, our stern disciplinarian. This conjunction is most often felt as frustration since Mars is impetuous and wants to move but the outer planet Saturn restricts our movement. Wednesday’s Moon in Taurus will conjoin Jupiter and Uranus – this suggests a potential for heightened stock market volatility midweek. If you feel blocked, either work through it. Mini-breaks with music, meditation, or massage may help. This is probably one of the roughest weeks in 2024 for heavenly energies. Take a breather and lay low as best you can. Especially with Mercury retrograde, it’s a really good time for reviewing all plans before setting them in motion. We’re also under a Moon (aka Lunar) Wobble with the Nodes stationing at 15° Aries in the Tropical zodiac. Confusion and calamity are associated with Moon Wobbles along with bear market waves. There could be important news announced on Thursday when the Sun and Mercury link together. Watch out for anger either internally or externally. Sometimes the bravest (and wisest) thing to do is bite your tongue and remain silent. Here’s a reminder of how to handle seasonal retrograde phases: Remember: eclipse energies can last 6 months or longer. Cautious and well-organized planning for the next 6 months is the best way to manage this week’s tense energy. Stay safe and drive carefully! p.s. From my Facebook post regarding last week’s U.S. stock market surprise: Markets were humming along and up nicely on Thursday, April 4 with the Sun conjunct the North Node in Aries. Aries is impetuous and ruled by warrior planet Mars. At about 2 PM The Washington Post announced "Biden told Netanyahu the situation in Gaza is ‘unacceptable’". Then there was a media frenzy over geopolitical fears, perhaps spurred on by Mercury retrograde, and the indices then quickly declined as fearful investors rushed into defense stocks. I expected some market volatility. The Moon in Aquarius was square Jupiter earlier Thursday, then exactly square to unpredictable, erratic Uranus at 4:24 PM Eastern time near the 4 PM market close. That amplifies a strong emotional potential for the unexpected. Within 10 hours of Thursday's close, "money planet" Venus entered Aries at 12:00 AM Friday. I've often stated, "people are the variable." It only takes one prominent leader to wreak havoc with market momentum. We're coming up on an exact Mars-Saturn conjunction pairing April 10, where actions meet limitations. This combo has about a 5-day window of influence before and after. Therefore, markets may not improve much before or after the April 8 solar eclipse. In my H1 2024 Forecast Report I stated Defense was a wise sector to be in now. Unfortunately, this proved to be accurate. p.s.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join: © 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny. Mercury Retrograde Starts April 1, 2024 at 6:14 PM Eastern Time calculated with LUNA Astrology If you’ve noticed communications and mental work turning funky lately, you can thank being in eclipse season and Mercury stationing to turn retrograde. Here’s my prior post on how to handle seasonal retrograde phases: Monday and Tuesday this week could be stressful with the above vibrational switch plus an out-of-bounds Moon in Capricorn at a tense square angle to the Nodes, our collective consciousness seeking forward momentum. While Mercury is retrograde count on tricky-to-navigate financial markets. Mercury retrograde often seems more like unpredictable Uranus. Mercury rules the mind, commercial transactions and trading, so expect lively changes and exchanges in these areas. Consider a personal consultation with me to see what areas of life will be most influenced by this Mercury retrograde. My favorite alignment of the week happens when Venus hooks up with Neptune in the latter’s home sign Pisces. This is great for dreaming big about both money and love. It’s also a perfect time for practicing yoga or meditation. However, watch out for the shadow side which could bring foggy thinking or deception. Remaining realistic might be difficult especially since Mercury will be retrograde too. The hopeful energy of Venus-Neptune in conjunction combined with the Sun in Aries conjoining the North Node exact on Thursday implies a new market top is likely this week. Additional planetary pattern indicators suggest upward bullish momentum may continue for roughly another 2 weeks, although not necessarily in a straight line. The Moon in Aquarius Wednesday and Thursday infers special attention will be paid to Technology, Bitcoin and Automotive sectors or stocks. The Moon is under some stressful aspects so plan on greater market volatility these days. Venus enters Aries at 12:00 AM Eastern Time Friday and then aligns in a 60° sextile with Pluto on Saturday. Fiery passions for money, love, beauty, fashion and the arts are ignited shortly before the Solar Eclipse next week on April 8. I'll write more about the solar eclipse next week. Until then, enjoy bliss wherever you can find it! p.s. Do you like the above beautifully design-driven and reasonably priced LUNA Astrology software? You’ll receive a 10% discount and I get a bonus when you use my affiliate link to join: © 2024 Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny. |
September 2024