Note: Transits are based on Eastern Time Zone. Cosmic energies can be felt days or hours before and after the precise astronomical alignments. I recommend Llewellyn’s 2021 Daily Planetary Guide for exact timing of transits and much more. *Moon Void-of-Course is a time when things you initiate (e.g. scheduling appointments) will very likely need to be redone. Weekly Overview: Sunday, April 18: The Moon in sensitive Cancer may make you want to cuddle up and stay home. However, with its square to Chiron in Aries you might feel a fleeting sense of wounding. Relaxation won’t last long as the Sun in Aries hooks up with Mercury energizing self-expression and communication. Let actions speak louder than words. Monday, April 19: *Moon Void-of-Course 8:03 PM – 2:11 AM Tuesday. Today Mercury and the Sun join Venus in Taurus. Thoughts and egos slow down to consider practical matters of love, finance and beauty. You’ll likely start looking for tangible things to buy such as art, cosmetics, or fashion and accessories. These days I follow the wise money advice of Suze Orman: Is it a want or a need? Tuesday, April 20: Taurus energy is activated in a big way! The Moon enters Leo with four tense squares to planets in Taurus – Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus. Either a dramatic shopping spree is on the agenda, or someone will dig in their heels saying “Oh, no you don’t”. Leo is full of fire while Taurus is grounded earth. Maybe take a time out? Wednesday, April 21: The finale of yesterday’s Leo Moon aspects is an opposition to Saturn in Aquarius. This suggests some kind of compromise or balance is best achieved when focused on building structures for the greater good. Modern technology and advanced thought that helps the individual and self-expression is worth serious consideration. Thursday, April 22: *Moon Void-of-Course 8:05 AM to 9:08 AM. Happy Earth Day! It’s possible you already felt today’s perfection of Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus earlier this week via surprises in love, relationships, and/or money. The Moon in analytical Virgo is supportive, although all bets are off with Uranus triggered. You can plan a surprise party or engagement, but don’t expect stability and peace. Friday, April 23: At 7:49 AM Mars moves out of Gemini and into Cancer, one of the four Cardinal points of the Zodiac. We’ll all become more feeling than thinking in our endeavors, and we won’t have repeated do-overs. Late tonight Mercury conjoins Uranus so be extra careful when driving and in all transportation and communication matters. Saturday, April 24: *Moon Void-of-Course 6:50 AM – 12:06 PM. The Moon enters Libra and will square Mars now in Cancer, once again highlighting how compassion and justice in partnerships is needed. An upcoming square with firm Venus and rebellious Saturn may create unusual tension. Venus’ tone is serious so pussy-footing around probably won’t help. (Luckily this is a brief transit!) Wishing you blessings and much love, Trudy Carol © 2021 Trudy Carol. All Rights Reserved. Comments are closed.
September 2024