This December 23, 2022 Capricorn New Moon at 5:17 a.m. Eastern Time emphasizes finding mature ways to manifest our goals while dealing with varying skyward trends. There’s an overall theme of ourselves as unique individuals and a collective species being challenged as we try to expand our lives with Sun and Moon square Jupiter. This New Moon square to Jupiter also correlates with a challenge of inflation. In financial and mundane astrology, Capricorn links to real estate, corporations and government. Significant news or events in these areas are highlighted for the next two weeks. Chiron in Aries also represents high inflation. Chiron turns direct less than one hour before this new moon is exact. This rare transit timing of Chiron direct with the Capricorn New Moon resonates increased collective consumer and economic focus on inflation. Chiron switching to direct motion suggests progress toward inflation resolutions can be made. Currently 5 astrological planets are in zodiac sign Capricorn, transiting in this consecutive order: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Pluto. An abundance (aka “stellium” = 3 or more) of Capricorn energies underscores broader market, consumer and investor sentiments focus on building long term and life structures. We’ll be inclined to solidify gains, reduce losses, organize portfolios, and structure practical life/business interests. This stellium is quite timely to end 2022. Consider the planetary order of Capricorn energies to best personally utilize this unique stellium of cardinal energy:
The Sun and New Moon are both aligned at a sesquisquare aka sesquiquadrate angle to Uranus. For the markets this triplet meeting suggests amplified tensions for technology stocks and cryptocurrencies. An excited desire to break free of something and/or sudden surprises in these sectors are likely. We find the FTX debacle is highlighted and under scrutiny. Remember that Capricorn is guided by Saturn, which highlights limitations and restrictions. These can feel like an extra test since the New Moon square Jupiter prefers growth with no boundaries. Being so near the December Solstice and on the cardinal axis suggests an extended theme for 3 to 6 months of these New Moon dynamisms. With Uranus still retrograde, these next two weeks offer a perfect time for reviewing all tech stocks, ETFs, Funds, and crypto investments. Expect surprises and maybe more shake ups regarding these equities since Uranus is within a 3° orbit of influence to the North Node. It’s advisable to maintain Capricorn discipline and patience. Jupiter just re-entered Aries and is at 0° Aries, approaching Chiron now at 11° Aries. Chiron entering Aries started a new inflationary cycle. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so moving toward Chiron it surely could exacerbate issues of inflation. It will take a long time for the Federal Reserve to reach a target of 2% inflation. I always like to mention my favorite quote from a LOST TV episode: “People are the variable”. Whether Jerome Powell or Vladimir Putin. IMHO these are now the two most important people on my global watchlist. Jupiter in Aries might also expand warrior energy. We should closely monitor what is said about military initiatives or civil unrest in the news. Putin speaking with Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko earlier this week is concerning. Further study of Putin’s natal chart is warranted. Unfortunately, we shouldn’t expect the war in Ukraine to end any time soon. Jupiter in Aries enlarges all things linked to Mars. The red planet is known for action, assertiveness, aggression and war. This geocosmic stimulus points to these specific sectors when investing: military defense, metal weaponry; surgical supplies and sharp tools, vaccines; mining, steel, iron; competitive sports. Jupiter in Aries adds a fiery temperament for worldly and personal expansion. We’ll all have added energy to initiate projects and be more self-oriented toward individual needs. That’s not a bad thing. Just remember Aries’ warrior spirit can become too large if not kept in check. For this reason, the Ukraine war and other world conflicts may flare up. The Sun and Moon are in a 90° square angle to Jupiter. This infers there are still challenges and adjustments we must make between our individual aspirations and collective growth or wealth acquisition. Being grounded and taking personal responsibility for one’s own actions is key. Two important areas Jupiter represents are travel and legal matters. Expect enormous tension involving these agendas. Media will focus on tourism, global transport and high-profile court cases for up to 6 months. Professional experts will be under pressure to forecast matters correctly, protect their interests, or solve legal battles. For added new moon impact, Jupiter is precisely semi-square to Uranus for a third time. This pairing suggests tested situations along with surprises. Jupiter here makes us feel bold, yet challenges exist especially in technologies and cryptocurrencies. Further tech layoffs amid Jupiter in Aries suggests more entrepreneurs opting for self-employment and utilizing tech platforms for success. A few more financial thoughts with two additional charts below: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) natal chart in synastry with this new moon shows transiting Mars retrograde at 10° Gemini near the DJIA natal Pluto and Midheaven. This implies great dynamic force in the DJIA for at least this 2-week cycle duration if not longer. For investing now, it seems the Dow is favored over NASDAQ. Saturn in Aquarius has been depressing technologies and cryptocurrencies. The NASDAQ natal chart in synastry with this new moon reinforces continued pressures and limitations for these sectors. Transiting Saturn conjoins the NASDAQ Sun and North Node, while transiting Uranus conjoins the NASDAQ natal Saturn. Transit Mars is opposite NASDAQ Mars, which again heightens volatile trading for this index.
Holiday blessings and Happy New Year to all! Trudy © 2022 by Trudy Carol Disclaimer: The above content is for informational and educational purposes only. No guarantees to accuracy are being made. The information contained herein should not be interpreted as personal advice for finances or investments. This is not a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell financial products, equities and/or securities. The author and website publisher do not accept or assume any liability or responsibility for any private asset choices and purchases made. An individual’s own mental thoughts, free will and actions always create their unique destiny.
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